
I had the pleasure of meeting Celia Ammerman of America's Next Top Model this past Monday.  She was strolling down Prince St. and I crazily ran after her after my friend told me it was an ANTM model.  Although I didn't follow this past season, I read that Celia was well known on the show for her slightly outrageous outfits that she never apologized for, thus winning Tyra's respect.  Stunningly beautiful and a real doll, she was eating raisins during her lunchbreak from an undisclosed job and showing me her very fancy camera.  She loved my fake eyelashes which to me speaks volumes about her ability to embrace the superficial aspects of the feminine performance, something I believe every intelligent model must do at some point.


  1. dude, you better keep this shit updated. fo' realz yo! cuz i'm gunna be trackin' this shizzle!

    no seriously. this is an awesome idea genn. and I miss you. and if I make it to NYC some time this summer maybe I'll show up on yo' corner. :)

  2. oh that was chris helmerson by the way.... errrr...
